The Gang's All Here

The Gang's All Here

All of our students are finally in the building! It was a great week at Wesley getting to know all of our friends and the routines of school. Our Pre-K students had a Terrific letter T week! Highlights included tie-dying their own school shirts and their first monthly visit to Crossfit for their Crossfit Kids class! We are so excited to be partnering with them this year to offer a little something extra for our large motor skill development! 

Preschool was A-A-mazing! 

Preschool had a most delicious start to their school year with their A is for Apple week! Some highlights from their week included trying apple cider and candy apples.  They enjoyed making pretend apple pies in the sensory bin! They also got a chance to test red, yellow and green apples and chart their opinions! 

An A-A-Awesome Start for
Bright Beginnings:

Our littlest learners also had an awesome start to their first letter week! Their highlights included creating a giant Apple craft, exploring A pictures on the SMARTboard, playing in the apple pie sensory bin and enjoying the playgrounds! 

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