Week 4 Recap

Week 4 Recap

Nailed it!! And Camping shenanigans! 
Our pre-K kiddos had some extra hands-on learning for letter N this week! They created "Nailed Names" on a letter N! Each child got the chance to Nail their Names on to an N! How Nifty! They also had fun learning Nursery Rhymes. They played games and created crafts like "The Cow Jumps Over the Moon."  
This week in preschoool, our littles explored the theme of Camping for the letter C! They tried real s'mores, played at a pretend campsite, and had a blast crafting and painting throughout the week. 
Our littlest learners also enjoyed exploring Camping this week! They found C images hiding under campfires and even crafted their own campfire! They enjoyed hearing camping stories from Pete the Cat and Bluey! 

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