Welcome 2023!

Happy New Year! 

Week 18-20 Recap

Welcome back, friends! We have had a great start to 2023 and have hit the ground running!

Our first short week back, all of our friends celebrated the new year! We had fun crafting 2023 surprises for our parents and learning about "resolutions."  

The last two weeks, our PreK kiddos have focused on letters L and Z, as well as numbers in the teens and twenties, and...POPCORN WORDS! Our big kiddos are starting to learn their sight words and practice reading.

Their themes they have explored are African Animals and the Zoo! They also threw in a visit to the library amidst all the other fun! 
The last 2 weeks, our preschoolers and Bright Beginnings kiddos tacked letters L and M along with the rectangle and circle shapes!

During L week, they explored Llamas and encountered many other things that started with L - including our preschoolers trying lemons and limes during science!

During M week, they had a blast with Mickey and Minnie! So many tasty things start with M - like Marshmallows and M n M's - they enjoyed sorting the candy by color and playing with marshmallows in the sensory bin!

Our preschoolers also enjoyed a trip to the library and ended M week with a trip to the Wabash County Historical Museum
Our Compass Kids Chapel theme for January is Kindness! We are learning about how we can be disciples by sharing God's love and kindness with others.  We love making a joyful noise and singing our praise songs! 

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