Week 5 Recap

Week 5 Recap:

Fun in the Forest, Coding, and Delightful Doggy Fun

Pre-K:  Letter F 

Pre-K was Full of Fun in the Forest for letter F week! They explored a fun forest bin, decorated forest animal cookies, finger-painted and even had Fun learning how to code their class robot, Botley! It was Fantastic! 

Preschool:  Letter D 

Preschool had a Delightful letter D week! They explored the theme of Dogs! They enjoyed crafting different types of dogs and singing and dancing to dog songs! They also learned a Delicious letter D word:  Doughnuts! They crafted a doughnut and enjoyed eating a most Delectable Doughnut!   

Bright Beginnings:  Letter D

Our newest learners also explored Dogs and D this week! They had fun creating their own Dalmation Dogs! They thoroughly enjoyed all of the letter D-inspired fun in the sensory room like doughnuts in the kitchen and dinos in the sensory bin! They love taking turns at the SMARTboard. This week they found letter D and brown dog bones while learning about that color. It was Dandy! 

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